Noise tables

Index of the tables

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Index of SUVA's noise tables
Source: SUVA

According to the Noise and Vibration OSH Ordinance, the business owner must check during risk assessment whether employees are or could be exposed to noise or vibration. In doing so, he can resort, for instance, to information from the machine manufacturer, to his own experience or to databases. Measurement is only necessary if he is unable to establish compliance with the action values cited in the ordinance beyond doubt.

The Swiss Accident Insurance (Suva) has compiled an extremely detailed database containing details of noise levels. The General Sound Level Tables are broken down according to branch of industry and present typical exposure values for the machines used and activities performed there. The tables are available via the Internet and can be downloaded (in German, French or Italian, at Suva’s website (PDF, 117 KB)).

Sound level tables:


Dr Andrea Wolff

Ergonomics - Physical environmental factors

Tel: +49 30 13001-3414
Fax: +49 30 13001-38001