IFA-Handbuch and IFA-HANDBUCHdigital

Picture of the loose-leaf bookle

The IFA Manual (IFA-Handbuch, formerly BGIA Manual) contains up-to-date information on occupational safety and health issues for the practitioner. The articles are permanently updated by experts from the Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA, formerly BGIA) to ensure compliance with the latest state of safety technology and European regulations. The IFA Manual is available in German as a
loose-leaf booklet and
online from Erich Schmidt Verlag (www.IFA-HANDBUCHdigital.de).

Special emphasis is put on the following topics:

  • Chemical and biological working agents
  • Noise, vibration, radiation
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Safety of technical working means, components, measuring and sampling devices

As a special offer the IFA Manual contains lists of positively tested products. As of May 2011 updated versions of these lists will be available online also in between two printed supplements.

An online access code can be obtained from Erich Schmidt Verlag. Individual articles may be downloaded against payment. In addition, some articles are for free.


Stefan Mühler

Work Systems of the Future

Tel: +49 30 13001 3620
Fax: +49 30 13001 38001

Online version (in German only)