Cover of BGAA-Report 1/99e
Source: DGUV
Abstract: This report contains the substance data and exposure descriptions prepared by the BGs' (Institutions for Statutory Accident Insurance and Prevention) working group on existing commercial chemicals (BGAA) for 44 existing commercial chemicals selected from the first three EU priority lists and the OECD priority list. These exposure descriptions focus essentially upon the areas of application of the substances in question, and are based on workplace measurements taken by the BGs for the industrial sector and municipal accident insurance associations since 1990. The exposure descriptions have already been made available to the competent authorities appointed under the EU programme on existing chemicals. This publication is intended to make them available to a wider professional circle. They may be used for example to identify key areas in which preventive measures need to be implemented, in discussions of acceptable limits, or for risk assessment. All data analysed for this report are available in the MEGA database (Messdaten zur Exposition gegenüber Gefahrstoffen am Arbeitsplatz - measurements of exposure to hazardous chemicals at the workplace) at the BG Institute for Occupational Safety (BIA).
Bock, W.; Brock, T.H.; Stamm, R.; Wittneben, V.:
Existing commercial chemicals - Exposure at the workplace (Altstoffe - Expositionen am Arbeitsplatz). BGAA-Report 1/99e.
Hrsg.: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 2000