completed 12/2011
The "Fight the Risk" prevention campaign addresses safe driving and transport. The campaign was launched in 2010 and ran to the end of 2011. It consists of a common umbrella campaign involving all participating institutions: the BGs, public-sector accident insurance institutions, agricultural social insurers (LSV), the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), the German Road Safety Council (DVR) and the German regional governments; and of campaigns run by individual social accident insurance institutions, the LSV, and individual German regions. The campaign was aimed primarily at insured individuals, employers and member companies of the statutory accident insurance system. Based upon the essential targets, the key measures of the campaign are geared to the following issues of the umbrella campaign: - Accidents occurring during transport and traffic within plants - Accidents on public roads during business journeys - Accidents involving schoolchildren on public roads - Commuting accidents on public roads In order to assess whether the prevention measures adopted within the campaign are achieving measurable results, criteria were formulated which are to be evaluated and reported in consideration of eight levels.
Evaluation of the umbrella campaign takes place on eight levels. These are: 1. The scope of the campaign activities and measures, i.e. documentation in a uniform format of all measures in the area of press, activities, media and promotional items 2. Response in the media, i.e. documentation and evaluation of text, image, radio and TV broadcasts and discussions against qualitative and quantitative parameters 3. Perception level, i.e. measurement of the target groups' perception of the campaign (awareness, retention, comprehensibility, associations) 4. Behavioural/change level, i.e. measurement of the actual changes within the target group (knowledge, attitudes, behaviour, image) 5. Impacts within plants, i.e. measurement of the campaign measures' effects upon specific performance figures for the company/organization 6. Quality of the campaign's structure and processes, i.e. measurement and evaluation of the campaign's organization and procedures, in order for internal processes to be optimized 7. Recommendations for and consulting of the bodies responsible for the campaign with regard to evaluation, i.e. support for the participating institutions in evaluation 8. Reporting of evaluation, i.e. structured and continual reporting of the results of evaluation
The last campaign with the slogan "Fight the Risk" has been running since the beginning of 2010 until the end of 2011. It promoted safety in traffic and transportation, focussing on three fields of activity: - accidents at work, - in-house transport and traffic accidents, - and road accidents of employees and students The heart of Fight the Risk was a predominantly media orientated umbrella campaign involving all participating institutions. It created the common framework for all campaign activities and intended to attract the attention for campaign activities and make the target groups aware of campaign themes. The participating institutions are differentiated into individual health and accident insurance institutions, which delivered dialogue-based, target group-specific carrier campaigns and other cooperating partners such as non-governmental associations, e.g. the German Road Safety Council. Different commitees provided the transfer of information and communication in this structure. How has the campaign been evaluated? The campaign aimed at informing people about dangers in the field of traffic and transportation to modify their knowledge and mindset and encourage them to show adequate behavior and to change circumstances if necessary. The defined goals of the prevention campaign "Fight the Risk!" were taken as a basis for the planning and development of the evaluation and from these goals, criteria and indicators were derived which result in eight levels of evaluation.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:-various
Catchwords:evaluation, transport and traffic
Description, key words:The "Fight the Risk" prevention campaign addresses safe driving and transport. In order to assess whether the prevention measures adopted within the campaign are achieving measurable results, criteria were formulated which were evaluated and reported by the parties to the campaign in consideration of eight levels.