Hypothesis: Traumatic injuries in diabetic patients predispose these type of patients to impaired wound healing and prolonged immobility. Goal: Analysis of protein expression profiles of wound fluid in diabetic patients in acute and chronic wounds to further understand the pathophysiology and mechanisms in order to develop new treatment options to further improve the wound healing process.
Qualitative analysis of complex protein solutions (serum, wound fluids and tissue homogenates) using MudPIT (Multidimensional protein identification technology); quantification und characterization of identified proteins; tissues localization and measurement of specific gene expression pattern
- The expression of Host Defense Peptiden in burned tissue is not under- but overregu-lated. The prediction, that a deficiency of HDP is responsible for an increased risk of in-fection was not sustainable. Publication: Kaus A, Jacobsen F, Sorkin M, Rittig A, Voss B, Daigeler A, Sudhof H, Steinau HU, Steinstraesser L: Host defence peptides in human burns. Burns. 2008 Feb;34(1):32-40. Epub 2007 Aug 21. - The process for diminishing abundant proteins could be optimised in a way, that wound fluids are easier available for proteom analyses. Publication filed: Lars Steinsträßer, Frank Jacobsen, Tobias Hirsch, Marco Kesting, Caroline Chojnacki, Christoph Krisp, Dirk Wolters: Immunodepletion of high-abundant proteins from acute and chronic wound fluids to elucidate low-abundant regulators in wound healing. BMC Research Notes (MS: 1810847444385223). - The proteom of acute and diabetic wounds differ severely. - More than 8000 different proteins could be identified in both types of wounds. - Via the proteom clues to the pathogeneses and the current state of wounds were visible. - With SOCS-3 a first marker protein was identified and its pathophysiological meaning could be described.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:mechanical hazards
Catchwords:rehabilitation, industrial accident
Description, key words:Infected diabetic wounds