completed 09/2017
The increasing utilization of nanotechnologies in production and application raises questions in terms of safety and health of employees in the workplace. The German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) addressed this topic in their position paper "Responsible Use of Nanomaterials" and set out a framework of action. Within the preceding project FF-FP0356 the nano-portal and the first three "nanoramas" had been launched. Thus, the basis had been laid for the fields of action in the position paper. The contents and tools developed in the course of FP0356 were to be evaluated and transferred into qualification measures for practical use.
The project consists of four main work packages:
The current research project is the direct successor of the preceding project FP0356. With the conduction of the qualification events a previously developed qualification concept was successfully implemented in practice. The nano-portal, nanoramas and qualification events were evaluated and adjusted from the Institute for Work and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IAG), if necessary. The evaluation confirmed that the nano-portal and nanoramas are high-quality measures. The content, structure and practical relevance were viewed positively and the recommendation rates were very high.
The evaluation revealed the following benefits of the nano-portal: the user’s own sensitization, the use in consultation and the use as a source of information. With two one-day courses "Praxistag Prävention" and a three-day seminar the first qualification events were conducted. These events received positive evaluations and the one-day courses in particular received very high recommendation rates. There were indications that the practical relevance should be increased and the consultation aspect should be given more consideration in the in-depth seminar.
Following the evaluation, it was determined to what extent the goals have been achieved and where there is still need for action.
The results of the evaluation suggested that the goals have been achieved in most cases with the existing qualification measures. The nano-portal, the nanoramas and the qualification events are innovative and practice-oriented training and information tools at the disposal of the DGUV. On the basis of the evaluation results and the assessment of goal achievement an action plan was developed. The action plan contains proposed steps towards the further development of the qualification measures, including medium to long-term actions aimed at the achievement of the objectives of the position paper.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:dangerous substances
Catchwords:prevention, qualification, education, didactics etc., new technologies
Description, key words:nanomaterial, nanorama