completed 12/2010
Early detection study for urinary bladder cancer in a risk collective - Early detection of bladder cancer in chemical workers formerly exposed to aromatic amines by means of established and newly developed molecular markers - Identification of statistical parameters for the predictive value of the tumor markers investigated
Prospective cohort study (Department of Urology, Tübingen; BASF AG, Ludwigshafen; BAYER AG, Leverkusen; Berufsgenossenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut für Arbeitsmedizin, Bochum; BG Chemie, Heidelberg) - Investigation of risk factors - Development of a job exposure matrix (JEM) - Analyses for various urine bound tumor markers - statistical tests for the accuracy of the tumor markers
The prospective study UroScree was conducted from September 2003 to June 2010. Overall 1609 persons, who were exposed to cancinogenic aromatic amines, were examined.Additionally to the established diagnostics with urine sediment and cytology (berufsgenossenschaftlicher G33) the marker NMP22® , Urovysion® as well as the experimental marker Survivin were determined. The analyses confirm, that clinical side reports like inflammations oder haematuria are accompanied with higher values of protein based markers like NMP22. Analyses of the amount of creatinine showed, that with values of creatinine i.U. < 0,5 g/l significant more negative tumor markers were found. However, with values of creatinine i. U. > 2,5 g/l more positive reports were found.
chemical industry
Type of hazard:dangerous substances
Catchwords:occupational disease, carcinogenic substances, epidemiology
Description, key words:aromatic amines, chemical worker, tumours markers, early detection, urinary bladder cancer