completed 06/1998
Pure toluene is the only solvent used for the printing ink employed in intaglio printing. Employees may be exposed to toluene vapours at their workplaces. The printing area itself is the main area affected; other working areas, for example for subsequent processing, may however also be affected. BG/BIA recommendations for intaglio printing are intended as a description of safe working conditions for the workplaces in question.
Exposure measurements were performed at workplaces in intaglio printshops in a study conducted by the institution for statutory accident insurance and prevention in the printing and paper processing industry. The standard procedures were employed, involving discontinuous sampling on charcoal and gas-chromatographic analysis following extraction by means of carbon disulphide. Comparative measurements were also performed using a photoionization detector.
The BG/BIA recommendations "Intaglio printing" describe a simplified procedure for inspection measurements for the printing sector, employing photoionization detectors (PIDs). The atmospheric limit values for toluene are adhered to continuously by a safe margin in other working areas, for which inspection measurements are not therefore required.
Further informations:
printing industry
Type of hazard:Arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren, arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen, Gefahrstoffe
Catchwords:Chemische Arbeitsstoffe, Arbeitsumwelt (Belastungen, Gefährdungen, Expositionen, Risiken), Exposition
Description, key words:Intaglio printing, toluene, simple measurement procedure, photoionization detector (PID), inspection measurements