completed 01/1999
The objective was to develop a combined vapour/particle sampling system, based upon the proven PGP portable sampling system, which would permit simultaneous monitoring of the two phases. A modified sampling head which permits monitoring of the inspiratory fraction at a volumetric flow of 1 l/min is to be employed for particle sampling. Standard commercial adsorption columns are to be employed for vapour sampling.
The 3.5 l/min sampling head familiar from the GSP total dust sampler is reduced in size and employed for a volumetric flow of 1 l/min. The adsorption tubes can be sealed by being pressed into a polymer (rubber) seal. The sampling system is to be made compatible with all standard commercial adsorption tubes by the use of a suitable external plastic union.
A sampling head was developed which records the inspiratory particle fraction at a volumetric flow of 1 l/min. Vapours are separated onto up to three standard commercial adsorption tubes. Any standard commercial adsorption tube can be combined with the sample head by straightforward replacement of the outer plastic union. The new combination has been included in the overall PGP portable sampling system as a special option under the designation GGP-U-1.0. The procedure is employed as a standard analysis method within the measurement system for hazardous substances of the institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention.
Further informations:
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:dangerous substances
Catchwords:Chemische Arbeitsstoffe, Messverfahren
Description, key words:vapour/particle sampling, GGP-U-1.0, paint aerosols, inorganic acids