DGUV Regulation 2

Group of five persons talking to eachother

Source: DGUV

Accident prevention regulation on occupational physicians and OSH professionals

DGUV Regulation 2 is a standardized, identically worded set of guidelines published to support the German social accident insurance institutions for trade and industry and the public sector in the implementation of the German Occupational Safety Act (ASiG). The focal point of the regulation is the definition of occupational physicians and OSH professionals’ required expertise and a detailed description of the tasks these services have to fulfil. It further defines different models of supervision (standard and alternative supervision) by occupational physicians and OSH professionals in relation to the size of the enterprise (depending on the number of employees)

Labour inspectorates at the German social accident insurance institutions for both trade and industry and the public sector support companies and authorities in the practical implementation of DGUV Regulation 2. They also provide information on the regulation through their websites and offer guidance on its application.


Matthias Groß
Central Prevention Division
Organization of Occupational Safety and Health
Tel.: +49 30 13001-4581