Healthy Skin Campaign

a person with the marking 2 m²

Guiding theme of the campaign: "Your skin. The most important 2 m² in your life"

Following this success, a new campaign with a planned duration of two years was launched in January 2007 in which, for the first time in the history of the German statutory social insurance system, all of the accident insurance institutions and the statutory health insurance system joined in running a prevention campaign under the heading: "Your skin. The most important 2 m2 in your life". In activities co-ordinated at regional and sector level, over 100 institutions from within the statutory accident insurance system, the AOK health insurance institutions and company health insurance funds pursued the objective of "healthy skin – fewer cases of skin disease". The campaign lasted until 31 December 2008; a concluding report (in German) is published.


Anna Sophia Quast
Telefon: +49 30 13001-1440