completed 03/2012
The CUELA measurement system was developed by the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA) for the purpose of computer-based measurement and long-term analysis of stresses upon the musculoskeletal system. It is employed by several of the German Social Accident Insurance institutions and institutes for the objective measurement of musculoskeletal stresses in prevention activity, and also for the support of procedures for the investigation of cases of occupational disease.
The system is now being used independently by the prevention departments of nine different statutory accident insurance institutions. Delivery of a measurement system to a further institution is planned.
The purpose of this project was firstly to provide ongoing support (repair, service, consultancy) to the accident insurance institutions in use of the measurement system, and secondly to integrate new findings from standardization and research into the measured data assessment performed by the CUELA analysis software and to make these findings accessible to users.
In the course of the CUELA user project, support for CUELA users was extended in the form of service and consultancy. The CUELA users were trained at regular meetings with regard to the further developments of the CUELA hardware and software. New interpretation and analysis methods for use during investigations of cases of occupational disease and for the purpose of prevention have been integrated into the software and are thus available for use in the accident insurance institutions.
During the project term the CUELA systems used by the statutory accident insurance institutions increased in number to eleven. Owing to mergers between individual accident insurance institutions, some institutions now have CUELA experts at several sites throughout the country. In addition to the existing standard CUELA systems, some accident insurance institutions have now also been supplied with a CUELA system specialised for sedentary workplaces. Besides the construction of further measurement systems, the analysis software has been continually improved and adapted to the latest findings from ergonomics, standardization, and research into occupational diseases. Staff at the accident insurance institutions have been advised and trained and also provided with support for trade fair exhibitions and presentations.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:Arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren, Handhabung von Lasten, Gestaltung von Arbeit und Technik
Catchwords:Exposition, Prävention, Arbeitsplatzgestaltung
Description, key words:personal system for the measurement of musculoskeletal stress, CUELA, ergonomics, practical use, design of workplaces, objective measurement of stress, analysis method, software development