completed 05/2023
In the world of work, advancing digitalisation, networking and dynamisation of work processes is creating new challenges for machine and system safety. When it comes to designing the interactions between workers and current and future machines/technical systems, the concept of human factors and ergonomics (HFE) work system design provides a means of orientation and content structuring. In addition to a systematic design process, this concept also includes requirements in relation to the design of work organisation, work tasks, work equipment and work environment in the human-machine interaction.
Requirements for the design of future-oriented work systems based on human factors and ergonomics were compiled on an international internet platform of the Section on Machine and System Safety of the International Social Security Association (ISSA). The Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA) prepared content on the concept of work system design in relation to machine and system safety requirements and developed a section for requirements related to human information processing.
Some contents of the internet platform for machine and system safety were compiled from ergonomic requirements based on anthropometry. Further requirements for the design of future-oriented human-machine interactions were determined based on human factors and engineering psychology.
To this end, a literature review was carried out in the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA), and then relevant requirements were identified and described in relation to the concept of work system design. In further explanations, examples of interactions between workers and machines/technical systems were included and references to relevant literature sources were provided. The particular impacts of digital transformations on the design of task interfaces (e.g. feedback design), interaction interfaces (e.g. conformity with expectations), information interfaces (e.g. discriminability) on the safety of machines and systems was highlighted. The contents were then prepared in order to be displayed on the internet platform.
Information about work system design can be found on the ISSA portal (https://www.safe-machines-at-work.org/human-factors) under the working group "Human Factors, Ergonomics and Safe Machines" (often simply referred to as Human Factors). All content was selected, discussed and prepared for presentation by the “Human Factors” working group. The IFA played a leading role in developing contents on the concept, criteria and strategies of work system design (e.g. work stress and work strain). Requirements for the design of work organisation with references to occupational safety and health and work performance were compiled (e.g. hierarchy of control measures in occupational safety and health). For the design of work equipment, an emphasis was placed on the human-machine interface (e.g. design of displays and controls). Further content will be developed and added in cooperation with the working group.
Nickel, P.; Bischoff, H.-J.: Bestandteile von Human Factors/Ergonomie in der Maschinen- und Systemsicherheit. Frühjahrskongress 2021, Bochum Beitrag A.1.17 Arbeit HUMAINE gestalten Hrsg.: Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft, GfA-Press, Dortmund 2021. ISBN 978-3-936804-29-4
Nickel, P.; Bischoff, H.-J.: Machine and System Safety in Digital Transformation. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS) 222, vol. 4, 161-166.
Nickel, P.: Human Factors in der Systemsicherheit (non-accessible). Arbeitswissenschaftliche Kooperationen unter dem Dach der Internationalen Vereinigung für Soziale Sicherheit (IVSS). DGUV Forum Fachzeitschrift für Prävention, Rehabilitation und Entschädigung, 10/2019, S. 34-35. [ISSN 1867-8483]
Nickel, P.: Digitalisierung, Vernetzung, Dynamisierung und Maschinen- und Systemsicherheit. In: Trimpop, R.; Fischbach, A.; Seliger, I.; Lynnyk, A.; Kleineidam, N.; Große-Jäger, A.: 21. Workshop Psychologie der Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheit. Gewalt in der Arbeit verhüten und die Zukunft gesundheitsförderlich gestalten, 2020, S. 113-116. Kröning: Asanger. [ISBN 978-3-89334-606-6]
Nickel, P.; Bärenz, P.; Bischoff, H.-J.; Monica, L.; Kaufmann, U.; Wichtl, M.; Poddar, E.; Radandt, S.: Work System Design in Machine and System Safety with a Focus on Human-System Interaction. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), 2021, 222 (4), 154-160.
Nickel, P.; Bärenz, P.; Bischoff, H.-J.; Radandt, S.; Kaufmann, U.; Wichtl, M.; Monica, L.: Arbeitssystemgestaltung für Maschinen- und Systemsicherheit. DGUV Report 2/2020. 7. Fachgespräch Ergonomie 2019 – Zusammenfassung der Vorträge vom 25. und 26. November 2019, S. 61-66, DGUV, Berlin.
Nickel, P.; Bärenz, P.; Radandt, S.; Wichtl, M.; Kaufmann, U.; Monica, L.; Bischoff, H.J.; Nellutla, M.: Human System Interaction Design Requirements to Improve Machinery and Systems Safety. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) 969, 2020, S. 3-13
Nickel, P.; Bischoff, H.-J.; Bärenz, P.; Radandt, S.; Kaufmann, U.; Wichtl, M.; Monica, L.; Poddar, E.: Human Factors and Ergonomics improve Machine and System Safety. Video narrative presentation and poster presentation at the XXII World Congress on Safety and Health – A Global Forum on Prevention "Prevention in the Connected Age", Symposium 12 "Successful digital OSH communication and information strategies in times of Vision Zero: Effective messages with appropriate technologies" (P12-09), September 20-23, 2021, WebConference, Toronto, Canada
Wichtl, M.; Nickel, P.; Kaufmann, U.; Bärenz, P.; Monica, L.; Radandt, S.; Bischoff, H.-J.; Nellutla, M.: Improvements of Machinery and Systems Safety by Human Factors, Ergonomics and Safety in Human System Interaction. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) 819, 2019, pp. 257-267
Bischoff, H.-J. & Nickel, P.: Chair of Scientific Symposium "Machine and System Safety in Digital Transformation II – Machines and Systems in Manufacturing" at the 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021) “HFE in the Connected World – L’Ergonomie 4.0”, June 13-18, 2021, Vancouver, Canada (WebConference).
Nickel, P.: Ergonomie in der Schnittstelle Mensch-Maschine. Vortrag zur Qualifizierungsreihe des Wirtschaftsministerium Baden-Württemberg für die Gewerbeaufsicht zum Thema Ergonomie, 23.10.2019, Regierungspräsidium Tübingen.
Nickel, P.: Standardisation in Human-System Interaction also requires addressing Human Factors and Ergonomics in Machinery Safety. Oral presentation in the parallel session on "Why organisations must consider OSH & standardization for HCI" at the HCI International 2019 with the affiliated 10th International Conference on Digital Human Modeling & Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics & Risk Management, July 26-31, 2019, Orlando, USA.
Nickel, P.: Human Factors and Ergonomics in Machine and System Safety. Panellist at the webinar of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) in cooperation with the Federation of the European Ergonomics Society (FEES) on "Risk prevention at work and European Machinery Directive", 21.11.2022, WebConference, FEES.
Nickel, P.: Working Group Human Factors – Human Factors, Ergonomics and Safe Machines. Oral presentation at the General Assembly of the International Section of Prevention on Machine and System Safety of the ISSA, October 10-11, Vienna, Austria.
Nickel, P.; Bischoff, H.-J.: Bestandteile von Human Factors/Ergonomie in der Maschinen- und Systemsicherheit. Vortrag zum 67. GfA-Frühjahrskongress „Arbeit HUMAINE gestalten“, 03.-05.03.2021, WebKonferenz, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Nickel, P.; Bischoff, H.-J.: Chair of Scientific Symposium "Machine and System Safety in Digital Transformation I – Machines and Systems in Automation" at the 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021) “HFE in the Connected World – L’Ergonomie 4.0”, June 13-18, 2021, Vancouver, Canada (WebConference).
Nickel, P.; Bischoff, H.-J.: Chair of Scientific Symposium "Machine and System Safety in Digital Transformation III – Machines and Systems in Transportation" at the 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021) “HFE in the Connected World – L’Ergonomie 4.0”, June 13-18, 2021, Vancouver, Canada (WebConference).
Nickel, P.; Bärenz, P.; Radandt, S.; Wichtl, M.; Kaufmann, U.; Monica, L.; Bischoff, H.J.; Nellutla, M.: Human-system interaction design requirements to improve machinery and systems safety. Oral presentation at the 10th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), affiliated 6th International Conference on Safety Management and Human Factors, July 24-28, 2019, Washington D.C., USA.
Nickel, P.; Bärenz, P.; Radandt, S.; Wichtl, M.; Kaufmann, U.; Monica, L.; Bischoff, H.-J.; Nellutla, M.: Das ISSA MSS Portal zu Human Factors/Ergonomie in der Maschinensicherheit. Präsentation zum 26. IFA-Fachgespräch Maschinen- und Gerätesicherheit, 11.-12.11.2019, Institut für Arbeitsschutz der DGUV (IFA), Sankt Augustin.
Nickel, P.; Bärenz, P.; Radandt, S.; Wichtl, M.; Kaufmann, U.; Monica, L.; Bischoff, H.-J.; Nellutla, M.: Arbeitssystemgestaltung für Maschinen- und Systemsicherheit. Präsentation zum 7. DGUV-Fachgespräch Ergonomie, 25.-26.11.2019, DGUV Congress - Tagungszentrum des IAG, Dresden.
Nickel, P.; Bärenz, P.; Bischoff, H.-J.; Monica, L.; Kaufmann, U.; Wichtl, M.; Poddar, E.; Radandt, S.: Work System Design in Machine and System Safety with a Focus on Human-System Interaction. Oral presentation at the at the 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021) “HFE in the Connected World – L’Ergonomie 4.0”, June 13-18, 2021, Vancouver, Canada (WebConference).
Wichtl, M.; Nickel, P.; Kaufmann, U.: Improvements of Machinery, Systems Safety and Ergonomics for Construction and Design. Oral Presentation at the 10th International Conference on the Prevention of Accidents at Work (WOS 2019), Sept 23-26, 2019, Radisson Blu Park Royal Palace Hotel, Vienna, Austria.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:design of work and technology, mental stress factors, muliple exposures multiple strain
Catchwords:(digital) information processing, man-machine interface, machine safety
Description, key words:human factors, engineering psychology, human-system interaction, design requirements. task interface, interaction interface, information interface, human information processing