Heat-related health hazards are also becoming increasingly relevant in Germany as a result of global climate change. The DGUV's Risk Observatory (round 3 from 2022) lists ‘natural disasters and extreme weather’, which includes ‘heat’, as one of the most relevant trends for occupational safety in the near future. There is still comparatively little information on health protection against heat, especially for children and employees in daycare centres and schools. However, it seems particularly sensible to sensitise daycare and primary school children to heat-related health risks at an early age and to motivate them to deal with high temperatures and strong solar UV radiation in an age-appropriate manner.
As part of the IFA project ‘Children explore safety and health’, experiments have so far been offered for this target group in the areas of ‘Visibility in road traffic’, ‘Tripping - Slipping - Falling’, ‘Hygiene and skin protection’, ‘Household poisons and other hazardous substances’ and ‘Noise’. These modules are now to be supplemented by the ‘Heat’ module. By independently researching how heat works and how it can affect their own bodies, 3 to 10-year-olds can be sensitised to the dangers of heat. The aim is to provide nursery and primary school staff with tried-and-tested, easy-to-implement experiment suggestions, game ideas and suggestions for educational work, which also cover preventative measures against heat. Due to the thematic proximity and similar protective measures, an extension of the existing module ‘Skin protection’ (against UV radiation from the sun) is planned in parallel.
As part of the project, new experiments (research, testing for practical suitability, selection and preparation) and supplementary ideas (ideas for games, tips, craft instructions, etc.) for the ‘Heat’ module will first be developed - in consultation with the IFA specialist departments and the DGUV's Child Day Care Centres and Child Day Care Division. Several experiment cards are then created for the ‘Heat’ module. These contain a precise description of the research activity, a list of materials, supplementary ideas and background information so that the educational professionals can implement the experiment suggestions in their centres with little material and time. A supplementary chapter on ‘Heat’ is being developed for the existing practical brochure ‘Children explore safety and health’, which is aimed at educational professionals (including management staff). The content is based on the existing structure of the brochure (introduction, scientific background, further information, collection of literature and prevention measures). A workshop element for training multipliers will be developed on this basis, enabling them to integrate the developed content into their own formats for educational professionals. This includes aids such as a sample programme, craft templates, material lists, etc..
The existing ‘Skin protection’ module (from solar UV radiation) of the ‘Children research safety and health’ project is closely related to the new ‘Heat’ module. It is therefore planned to add additional experiments to the existing ‘Skin protection’ module as part of this project.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:work-related health hazards
Catchwords:climate, health promotion, qualification, education, didactics etc.
Description, key words:heat, UV radiation, children, daycare centre, school, climate, children's daycare facility, prevention, health, childcare professionals, health protection, exploring, experiments, hazard awareness, workshop, training, multipliers, accompanying brochure, experimentation cards