completed 12/2015
This project based on two preceeding sub-projects 0072 "Epidemiological intervention study: Injury incidence reduction in selected sectors (I)" and 1101 "Epidemiological intervention study: Injury incidence reduction in selected sectors (II) – detailed interpretation". These two projects evaluated the efficacy and sustainability of company-specific prevention measures (consulting and training strategies) and their influence on the accident rate. A significant decrease in the number of occupational accidents was observed in the intervention group. This was a sustainable effect lasting up to five years beyond the end of the intervention. However, the detailed evaluation of individual prevention measures, the deduction from them of suitable prevention concepts, and transfer of these concepts to the field were too theoretical. For this reason, project 1114, "Epidemiological intervention study: Injury incidence reduction in selected sectors (III) – prevention index in practice" examined the prevention index (PI), an instrument for evaluating and controlling the technical, organizational and personal (TOP) conditions within a company. The objectives were firstly to identify the need for prevention objectively and comprehensively by assessing the TOP conditions on a scale from 1 to 9 based upon key questions; and secondly, building upon this, to make an appropriate selection of specific preventive measures.
The instrument was first examined for validity, objectivity and reliability in a pilot phase (closely monitored practical use in selected companies, involving a parallel review by two specially trained labour inspectors). This was followed by an analysis of the effect of PI's large-scale use upon the incidence and severity of accidents.
The prevention index (PI) can be used for assessment of the technical (T), organizational (O) and personal (P) prevention measures. The standard of occupational safety in companies can be classified with reference to the T, O and P values. The PI also provides information on whether the implementation and launching of further measures is necessary. A relationship between the company accident rates and the PI value can be derived for the areas of T, O and P. The PI can be used as a validated and suitable control instrument for the consulting and supervision tasks performed by the prevention service.
metal production
Type of hazard:work-related health hazards
Catchwords:working environment (load, hazards, exposure, risks)
Description, key words:prevention index, prevention, accidents, intervention