completed 05/2010
OSH topics do not readily "sell themselves", and their acceptance is by no means guaranteed. The content, educational presentation and visual appearance of OSH instruction must therefore be designed such that it finds acceptance among employees. Short films and videoclips are often used for this purpose. Few of them, however, have wide industry exposure. OSH professionals looking for an up-to-date film on a specific subject make use of whatever material they can find, tips from colleagues, or the material made available by the German regional film services, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) or the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV). Finding a good film can sometimes be like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack, and can be very time-consuming. Germany lacks a central film forum and a user-friendly media library from which OSH professionals and management personnel can obtain information quickly and easily on films and videoclips which have proved effective and well suited to use in companies.
In order to identify the corresponding needs of the groups concerned within companies, a primary phase was conducted involving a survey in companies of their current use of OSH films, and of the benefits they derive from them. The results of the survey are to provide a reliable description of the need for films and media in companies, and to support the gearing of future provision to this need. The survey was conducted as part of Berlin's "Initiative Gesunde Arbeit" (healthy work initiative, www.biga-berlin.de). It was launched by a working group of OSH professionals in Berlin, with the support and technical supervision of the BAuA, the DGUV and the VDSI (Association of German Safety Engineers). The survey of the use and benefit of OSH films was conducted by the Institute of Work and Health (IAG) of the DGUV, Evaluation of Prevention Measures Section, between December 2009 and February 2010. The data were sampled by means of an online questionnaire, which was aimed in the first instance at OSH professionals and company management staff who conduct instruction themselves. Beyond these groups, anyone concerned with the health and safety of workers at work was able to participate. The survey was publicized through various newsletters. The survey comprised four parts. In the first part, general questions were asked concerning the company. The second part concerned the current use of film and media in OSH instruction, training courses and seminars. The third part contained questions on the OSH films employed, and the fourth part addressed the future use of films and media in OSH instruction, training courses and seminars.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the results of the survey: What need for OSH films is observed in companies? From the results of this survey, it can be concluded that a substantial need for OSH films already exists, and that this need is set to increase further. The majority of those questioned stated that they already used OSH films in instruction, training courses and seminars. Those who did not yet do so gave as their reasons that they were either unable to find suitable films on the topic, that the films available were of poor quality, or that locating suitable films was too time-consuming. The majority also indicated that they intended to use OSH films in the future, provided suitable films were available. Almost all those participating in the survey were in agreement that the need for OSH films and video clips would remain at least as strong in future, or might even increase. Those questioned also considered the benefit of OSH films to be fairly high to very high. The data reveal that the majority of those questioned have a positive view of OSH films, are willing to use them and do so frequently, and value their benefit. The survey also shows however that only very few of those questioned are fully satisfied with the current range of OSH films and video clips and their access to them. Many are even able to name a specific topic for which they are looking for a good OSH film and have not yet been able to find one. How often are OSH films currently used, and how highly is this measure rated? OSH films and video clips are already being used by many of those questioned for instruction, seminars and training courses. They are being used at least occasionally, and generally frequently or very frequently. The ease with which they can be used is however not the only reason why OSH films are appreciated. Those questioned value good OSH films first and foremost for being illustrative and instructive, whilst at the same time entertaining viewers, adding relief to a subject which may otherwise be perceived as dry. OSH films generate motivation and at the same time raise awareness of the key topics in occupational safety and health. Should an Internet-based media library or an OSH film festival be launched? The principal reason why some of those questioned do not yet make use of OSH films is that they are unable to find suitable films, the films are outdated or of poor quality, or locating them is simply too time-consuming. Accordingly, the majority of those questioned are of the opinion that the use of OSH films and video clips could be simplified if access to the media were facilitated and a wider choice of materials of better quality could be made available. An Internet-based media library of OSH films is one possible solution to these problems. Virtually all of those questioned consider this proposal beneficial. A good half would also like to see an OSH film festival.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:-various
Catchwords:education, evaluation, qualification, education, didactics etc.
Description, key words:OSH films, instruction, video clips, online survey