The objective of this project is the evaluation of a new screening-based algorithm for diagnosis and treatment of mental health problems after severe work related accidents. This algorithm is based on empirical findings of a precedent study with high risk patients after accidental trauma ("Freiburger Arbeitsunfallstudie I"). Does a systematic screening for early psychological symptoms - conducted during surgical inpatient treatment - improve detection, diagnosis and treatment of risk patients for mental health problems? The impact of this procedure on symptom courses and rehabilitation results six months after the accidents is analysed.
The study is conducted in 15 emergency clinics with patients after acute work related injuries which need not less than seven days of inpatient treatment. In a control phase the screening instrument is just given to the patients without influencing the etablished management of mental health problems in the clinics (treatment as usual). In the intervention phase results of the screening instrument guide additional steps for diagnosis and treatment of mental health symptoms. All included risk patients are assessed before discharge from hospital and at six month follow-up for symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression. Further data concerning symptom courses, treatment and rehabilitation six months after the accident are gathered directly from the statutory accident insurance services. The impact of the new algorithm concerning practice, acceptance and effects is compared with the present procedures.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:mental stress factors
Catchwords:Evaluation, Rehabilitation
Description, key words:mental-health problems after severe occupational accidents