completed 12/2007
Examination of the influence of different graft positions in knee joint kinematics. Examination of the effects of computer assisted surgery in ACL repair.
Measurement of knee joint kinematics by use of an optical tracking system. Measurement of the change of kinematics after cutting the ACL. ACL repair with and without use of a computer assisted navigation system. Comparison of the kinematics after repair with the kinematics before cutting the ACL.
With this work it could be shown that with the tested, kinetics based navigation system it is possible to place a chord transplant closer to isometry as with standardised conventional technology. The improved clamping force in the transplant will decrease the numbers of transplant failure and elongation. Extra time of 20 min. and the high initial costs for the system itself restrict a far spreading as long as clinical data of an improvement of the supply quality are missing.
In specialized centers appropriate clinical studies should be accomplished in order to evaluate the application of computer navigation intensely.
In a second phase the kinematic measurements at cruciate ligament we will be transfered to the hospital.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:mechanical hazards
Catchwords:Unfall, Rehabilitation
Description, key words:kinematics of knee, cruciate ligament