completed 02/1998
Small and medium sized companies in particular need help in implementing the "ideal organisation" for work protection measures required in article 3, paragraph 2 no. 1 of the Work Protection Act. The institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention are pursuing the aim of taking into account the needs of small and medium sized companies by dispensing with formal organisational regulations and instead supporting small and medium sized companies with recommended guidelines and advice. Goal: suggestions and instructions for incorporating the aims of safety and health protection in company management and structure together with the elements: leadership and responsibility, employee participation, operational work protection organisation, planning, information and instruction, assessment of working conditions, error analysis.
Development of the guide as well as measures to implement/apply this in three stages: 1. Basic structure of a guide with short description of contents, 2. Drawing-up the guide, 3. Instruction for implementation in different sized companies and structures; close accompaniment and active participation by the working party of the leading technical surveyors of the institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention.
Graphically structured small and medium sized company- orientated guide comprising five constituents with the main elements: motivation of the employer, practical assistance in implementation for the employer, legal references, forms
5 Bausteine für einen gut organisierten Betrieb - auch in Sachen Arbeitsschutz. Schriftenreihe des HVBG, Sankt Augustin,10/99
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:Arbeitsorganisation/- schutzmanagement
Catchwords:Arbeitsschutzmanagement, Klein- und Mittelbetriebe, Unternehmer(in)
Description, key words:Guidelines, work safety and health protection