completed 10/1996
The future orientation of accident prevention through professional associations demands a change in the requirement profile as well as training and further education of technical surveyors belonging to the professional institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention. Goal: development of an overall concept of training and further education for technical surveyors in accordance with examination ruling 1.
Responsible project steering council comprising BG-managers and leading technical surveyors; project working party comprising scientists and technical survey tutors; participation of lecturers and seminar tutors of the further training seminars provided by the HVBG; project management, scientific advice, further development of approaches/ideas and project documentation by higher education institutes; structured questioning of approximately 100 technical surveyors; deduction of requirements based on the change in situation and future prospects for work protection (European harmonisation, German legislation etc.); determining and processing of practical experience
Multi-level training and further education concept and measures to guarantee a unified level of qualification extending beyond BG for technical surveyors, with seminars and elements determined by the BG which both extend beyond their competence and are specific to it; practical experience should constitute an important part of the two year duration of the training; systematic illustration of all training elements and principle sequence; examples for the structuring of compulsory elements of basic training.
Fachgespräch am 27.01.1997, Sankt Augustin
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:qualification/basic and further training
Catchwords:Unfallversicherungsträger, Prävention, Arbeitsschutzdienste
Description, key words:Systematic concept for the training and qualification of work protection experts of the institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention which adequately covers the tasks and will remain valid in the future