completed 06/1993
At present alcanolamines are still indispensable as corrosion inhibitors and emulsifying agents in cooling lubricants, although they represent in part a danger to health and when used can form carcinogenic nitrosamines. Commercial products containing water soluble cooling lubricant concentrates must be checked for their alcanolamine content; the legislation aims to eliminate/substitute alcanolamines. An analytic process has already been developed. Goal: Modification of the analytical process for fast, routine monitoring of commercial products of cooling lubricant concentrates.
Systematic laboratory testing; break down of emulsions by addition of an electrolyte or fixed phase extraction and quantitative analysis on the basis of ion pair chromatography; screening test evaluation with commercial products of cooling lubricant concentrates.
Simple and precise analytical process to determine alcanolamines in water soluble cooling lubricant concentrates as a recognised process in accordance with TRGS 611; only 7 of 21 product tests were found below the limit value of TRGS 611 for the critical diethanolamine.
Maurer, W.: Quantifizierung von Alkanolaminen in wassermischbaren Kühlschmierstoffen mit Hilfe der Kapillarzonenelektrophorese. Gefahrstoffe Reinhalt. Luft 56 (1996) S. 393-399
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:dangerous substances
Catchwords:Messverfahren, Gefährdungsbeurteilung, krebserregende Stoffe
Description, key words:Method (quantitative analysis) to identify alkanolamines by ion pair chromatography in commercial cooling lubricant products, which form carcinogenic nitrosamines on use