The project aims to answer the following questions:
A retrospective multicenter study including all patients treated in the context of the Heilverfahren of the DGUV (in-patient treatment) will be carried out. After analysis of the proportion of SAV number 11 "complication" cases of all SAV-cases, the Casemix-Index (CMI), the mean number of surgical procedures, the mean time in the operating room and the length of the hospital stay will be examined. According to the guidelines of the Heilverfahren an analysis will be carried out as to what the proportion of correct primary treatment level (DAV, VAV, SAV) is. The SAV number 11 cases "complications" will be categorized into anatomical regions for further evaluation. Finally all SAV 11 number cases "complications" will be evaluated whether the need for revision surgery or any further special treatment was inevitable due to the initial severity of the injury or any patient`s specific characteristics or whether it is possible to define any objectifiable deficiency regarding the diagnostics and treatment of these cases.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:questions beyond hazard-related issues
Description, key words:injuries, post-treatment, additional treatment, revision surgery