In the proposed project a behavioral exercise intervention will be designed in cooperation with the BG-Clinic for occupational diseases in Falkenstein first. By means of motivational-volitional strategies this intervention targeting on the sustainable health behavior change of patients in everyday life after the completion of the healing process. As part of the evaluation the effects of intervention with respect to the maintenance of physical activity as well as influencing determinants (such as self-efficacy, action and management planning) and disease management are checked. In addition, the causality of the relationships between physical activity and depression in patients with occupational lung and respiratory diseases, as well as the influence of confounders (age, occupation, smoking status) and mediators (social support, self-efficacy) will be studied to sustain the supply situation of the patient improve.
Literature review , development of concept for the exercise-oriented behavior intervention, planning , organization and implementation of intervention in the BG Clinic of occupational diseases Falkenstein , creating Trainers Manual and materials for the intervention , Train the trainer seminar, website creation , preparing the evaluation , intervention implementing , RCT study with Follow -up after the intervention , final report of the evaluation
physical activity, medical treatment BG-Clinic