completed 02/2009
This literature research investigates the consolidated findings and the missing knowledge about optimal illumination for shift working and night working. The results were the basis for the development of illumination concepts and the design of a field study. The outcomes will also be important for accident insurer and their recommendations.
The research was taken in international scientific journals of the last ten years. The information belonged to the following fields of knowledge: Effects of light on circadian clock and alertness, laboratory studies about illumination requirements for shift working and night working, field studies about light application for shift working and night working as well as the effects of illumination for shift working on human health.
The results of the literature research are summarized in IAG-Report 2/2009 and can be downloaded. The results show that first recommendations for illu-mination concepts can be derived. The correctness and applicability of these concepts is unverifiable and require further studies.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:design of work and technology, work-related health hazards
Catchwords:workplace design, lighting
Description, key words:shift working, illumination