completed 12/2010
A new approach to describe the permeation of the ingredients when applying a product to CPC products was developed. The feasibility and the automation were the main goals. The method was tested on several branch-specific issues.
Based on a measuring technique for manual studies of the permeation of semivolatile compounds (project-No.: FF-FP0248: Application of solid phase microextraction technique (SPME)) a measuring system was developed which allows an automatic sampling and analysis of organic compounds in products. The technique was applied to several products of different branches in order to assist the choice of appropiate CPC resp. protection gloves. On the basis of these results standard parameters for identification, sampling, analysis and assessment were derived.
The huge effort for the measuring system (GC/MS and complex autosampler) should be put into perspective to the broad spectra of compounds and the application prospects: Using the measuring methods the permeations of volatile and semivolatile and soluble and hardly soluble ingredients of products can be determined simultaneously without additional working steps. Due to the standardisation of the method usually specific adaptions of the measuring system to most of the compounds are not needed. Measuring system and method are also suitable for testing CPC using the permeation test conditions of the standard specifications. Single substances as well as compounds can be tested.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:dangerous substances
Catchwords:personal protective equipment, measuring methods, chemical working substances
Description, key words:measuring procedure, permeation, personal protection equipment