Vacuuming power tools with suitable dust extractors is one of the most important protective measures to minimize dust exposure. A machine-dependent minimum air volume flow is required for the effective extraction of a power tool.
There is currently a lack of knowledge of the machine-dependent air volume flows that are required for a sufficiently effective dust collection. As part of this project, these air volume flows and the required negative pressures are to be determined by measurements.
In addition, with the vacuum cleaners currently available on the market, it is intended to determine the period of time over which the electric power tools can be vacuumed with the dust extractor until the dust extractor requires an operator intervention (cleaning the filter, replacing dust collection bags, etc.).
As part of this project, the required air volume flows are to be determined by measurements. For this purpose, work with a representative selection of electric power tools is to be carried out under defined conditions in a closed room (technical center of German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the Building Trade (BG BAU) Feuchtwangen) and the dust exposure of the machine operator measured.
The influence on the dust emission/exposure is determined by varying the air volume flow. In addition, the dust extractors currently available on the market should be used to determine the period of time over which the power tools can be extracted with these dust extractors until the extraction performance drops significantly.
The dust extractors will be applied with the dust generated in the tests before and the time period will be determined till the air flow rate falls below the required air flow rate.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:work-related health hazards
Catchwords:physical factors, dust, fibers, particles, technical protective measures (exposure reduction/ protective devices)
Description, key words:dust collection systems, electric power tools, dust extractors