completed 12/2021
In the course of advancing digitization and networking, the world of work is undergoing profound changes. Employees have easier access to information and collaboration is becoming more flexible. New kinds of work processes in organizations are leading to simplified and faster services with higher quality, thereby releasing potential for further growth. However, the accelerated accumulation of information and tasks can also have negative consequences for employees: The increasing work intensity can lead to physical and psychological strain.
In this project we investigated these demands of the new world of work. For conceptual clarification, we developed a model that distinguishes between causes, forms, and consequences of work intensity. The model also offers starting points for coping with work intensity. Based on this model, we put together existing procedures for the measurement of and intervention for coping with work intensity. The project supports the following target groups in coping with work intensity: organizational professionals (e.g., occupational health management, occupational safety, company physicians), employees, employers' liability insurance associations, and accident insurance institutions.
Based on a literature review and moderated group discussions with organizational professionals (e.g., from occupational health management, occupational physicians) and employees, we identified various forms of work intensity and developed an inventory on work intensity that can be used as a screening procedure. In addition, we developed a model that describes the causes, forms, and consequences of work intensity. Based on this model, we collected and evaluated existing measures for the assessment and intervention concerning work intensity.
One part of the results of the project are the conceptual model and a short inventory that measures work intensity. The main result of the project is an overview of existing measures for the assessment and intervention concerning work intensity. All results and the evaluated procedures are bundled and published on a web-based platform (see further informations), which makes them available for organizational practice. The results were presented at a transfer workshop and made available in the form of a practitioner-oriented brochure.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:unfavorable, adverse work environment
Catchwords:prevention, work forms, new technologies
Description, key words:work compression