completed 04/2018
The task of developing and designing an inclusive school involves great opportunities as well as challenges and increased demands for all those involved. School leaders play a central role in this. Accordingly, this project focuses on the perspective of and on school leaders in inclusive school development processes. On the basis of a comprehensive empirical study, practical and sustainable possibilities are shown how they, as central actors at the level of the individual school, together with all those involved, can shape the implementation of inclusion in a targeted manner at school, taking health aspects into account, and how they can be supported in doing so.
Using an online questionnaire, a standardized quantitative written survey of 599 school administrations at secondary schools in ten German states was carried out. This provides information on the current state of development of school inclusion and the shaping of its role in the context of ongoing school development processes at the individual school level and from the point of view of school administrations. On this basis, in a second step of the survey, qualitatively oriented case studies were conducted at 20 individual schools using guideline-based interviews in 10 federal states. In this context, the question of how (school) governance can be structured in a target-oriented and supportive manner in the context of the implementation of the UN-BRC is examined. The perspectives of the educational (teaching) personnel were also included, so that a multi-perspective database is created.
The data shows: In school (development) practice, inclusion presents itself as a balancing act between claim and reality. From the point of view of the school administrations surveyed here, the realisation of an inclusive school means additional work during ongoing operation under very often inadequate resource conditions. Thus, school administrations perceive inclusion as a comprehensive and contradictory challenge to school development at the individual school level. This sometimes leads to re-contextualization processes in important questions of school and teaching development. These re-contextualization tendencies entail the danger of shortening the inclusion concern and result in an adaptation of the innovation to one's own system conditions. At the same time, it becomes clear that school managers (leaders) have significant (scope) and various options for designing inclusion-oriented school development processes under the existing system requirements at the individual school level.
The findings of this project can be used for consultation and (further) development processes in the areas of health promotion, prevention and safety in the context of school inclusion and can be used for the design of further training measures. In addition to this research report, the guideline: With school management, healthy, including school design (Amrhein & Badstieber 2018) can be used here to support the consulting practice of accident insurance carriers.
public service
Type of hazard:questions beyond hazard-related issues
Catchwords:education, working environment (load, hazards, exposure, risks), health and safety management
Description, key words:school management, inclusive educational reforms