Carry out a prospective continuous analysis of the documented patch tests of patients own substances of the cases billed to the German statutory accident insurance institutions (UVT) according to UV-GOÄ No. 379* from 01.06.2020 onwards (dermatologist reports, expert opinions, TIP centres).
*GOÄ: scale of charges for doctors: tests of patients own substances
Data evaluation, identification of previously unrecorded workplace substances in contact with the skin with sensitizing potential and creation of an electronic allergen database/register. Elaborate a supplementary recommendation to S3 Guideline of patch testing regarding complex occupational substances. Identification of new candidate substances for official registration as commercial patch test substances.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:dangerous substances
Catchwords:prevention, skin diseases (except cancer), analytical methods
Description, key words:occupational dermatology, skin deseases, allergy