completed 12/1996
The high noise emission of vibrating tables or machines for the manufacture of precast concrete parts plays a central role in the noise exposure of the concerned industrial workplaces. By using noise-reduced vibrating and low-noise shaking machines, it is possible to achieve an important reduction of workers' exposure to noise. The project, initiated through the institution for statuatory accident insurance and prevention in the building trade, was aimed to analyse the latest state of the art in noise abatement technology found on noise-reduced compacting machines and to give an overview of the existing applications.
Supported by the institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention in the building trade sound emission measurements were conducted on noise-reduced vibrating and low-noise shaking machines in a large number of factories for precast concrete. Both stationary and circulating production units - electrically or hydraulically driven - were investigated.
The sound emission of standard vibrating machines ranges between 100 and 120 dB(A). A reduction to less than 85 dB(A) is possible, using noise-reduced products instead. The sound emission of shaking machines during compaction may be below 70 dB(A). The use of noise-reduced vibrating and low- noise shaking machines may even help to avoid noise exposure of the concrete workers completely.
Further informations:
construction industry
Type of hazard:noise/vibrations
Catchwords:Lärm, Gestaltung von Anlagen und Verfahren, Arbeitsmittel
Description, key words:noise-reduced vibrating machines, shaking machines, stationary compacting machines, circulating production, double wall production