completed 08/1998
Whole-body vibration impact upon seated persons may lead to back complaints. Where the corresponding traumatic pattern is present, high levels of occupational exposure to vibration impact upon the spine of seated persons and over many years have been recognized as an occupational disease (BK 2110) since 1 January 1993. In order to quantify the impact upon bus drivers for the purposes of hazard assessment, the vibration impact must be measured under representative exposure conditions. The measurement results may also be exploited for prevention purposes, as knowledge of the spectrum of vibration excitation enables drivers' seats to be improved.
37 buses, comprising 25 urban service buses, 9 coaches and 3 rural service buses, were monitored over representative routes. The vibration acceleration was measured in each of the three axes x (back-chest), y (shoulder-shoulder) and z (spine) at the vibration transmission points chassis-seat mounting and seat-driver.
Buses do not fall within the vehicle group in which vibration impact alone leads directly to a health hazard. As no precise data are available on the effect of further influences in combination such as heat, cold, hazardous substances and draught, the objective should be to reduce each individual influence. The vibration-reducing characteristics of bus drivers' seats require improvement in some cases. Better adaptation to the vibration excitation caused by the vehicle itself is desirable.
Further informations:
Type of hazard:Arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren, Lärm/Vibrationen
Catchwords:Transport und Verkehr, Belastung, Vibration
Description, key words:impact vibration, driver's workplace, bus, driver's seat, vibration reduction