completed 07/1996
The German accident prevention regulation (UVV) "Noise" stipulates precise requirements for the acoustic design of workrooms to avoid high noise exposure in newly constructed work areas as a result of sound-reflection on walls and ceilings. As an aid for the acoustic design of work areas, VDI-Guideline 3760 "Calculation and measurement of sound propagation in workrooms" was adopted, which describes a model for calculating the sound propagation in cubiform workrooms. Corresponding PC programmes are meanwhile offered by various software houses. The project was aimed to investigate whether the acoustic characteristics of workrooms can be predicted reliably, and what relations exist between the acoustic characteristics suggested by the VDI guideline on the one hand and the currently used values from both the UVV "Noise" and the corresponding LSA information leaflet 03-234 (LSA being the German short form for noise protection information) "Noise abatement in production halls" (ZH 1/564.16) on the other hand.
Based on approximately 50 work areas whose acoustic properties were investigated in the context of noise abatement consultations of the BIA, the metrologically determined sound propagation curves were compared with those calculated in accordance with VDI guideline 3760. In addition, the acoustic characteristics defined in the VDI guideline were compared with measurement readings obtained on the basis of the LSA information leaflet 03-234.
The calculations according to VDI guideline 3760 describe the actual acoustic conditions in good approximation. Of the acoustic characteristics defined in the VDI guideline the level decline per distance doubling DL2 (near) calculated for the short range (1 to 5 m) agrees best with the level decrease characteristic metrologically determined according to the LSA information leaflet 03-234. The results confirm that it is possible to assess the acoustic properties of workrooms using the calculation model from VDI guideline 3760. In comparison with the currently utilised method, the use of the calculation model implies also an extension of the field of application, e.g. to industrial flat rooms. Specially effective and economical measures can be determined with the aid of the calculation programme.
Further informations:
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:noise/vibrations
Catchwords:Lärm, Messverfahren
Description, key words:VDI guideline 3760, calculation model, sound propagation in workrooms, acoustic characteristics, acoustic design of workrooms