completed 06/1998
During the exhaust emissions tests performed on motor vehicles by technical inspection agencies, exhaust gases and fuel vapour may be released into the air breathed by employees at the workplace. The BG/BIA recommendations for vehicle testing centres are intended to ensure safe working conditions at the workplaces in question, and to provide practical advice on performance of workplace surveillance in accordance with § 18 of the German Hazardous Substances Ordinance (Gefahrstoffverordnung).
Exposure measurements were performed within the framework of the hazardous substances measurement system of the German institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention (BGMG) at workplaces in technical inspection agencies with an emphasis upon exhaust emissions monitoring.
The BG/BIA recommendations "Exhaust emissions tests at test centres" describe a range of technical and organizational measures for safe working practices during the measurement of vehicle exhaust emissions. The requisite technical measures include an extraction facility for vehicle exhaust emissions with a specially designed capture funnel, and routing of the measured gases to the open air. Provided the specified conditions are adhered to, exposure measurements for surveillance of the working areas are no longer required.
Further informations:
Type of hazard:Arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren, Arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen, Gefahrstoffe
Catchwords:Chemische Arbeitsstoffe, Arbeitsumwelt (Belastungen, Gefährdungen, Expositionen, Risiken), Exposition
Description, key words:motor vehicle test centres, motor vehicle, exhaust emissions test, capture funnel, exposure measurements, CO, carbon monoxide, diesel engine emissions