completed 12/1995
Numerous studies performed on drivers' workplaces in public transport companies have concluded that ergonomic deficiencies at the workplaces of tram drivers exacerbate the already high physical and psychological stress upon the driver. A joint research project performed by the institution for statutory accident insurance and prevention in the railway, metropolitan railway and tramway sector was launched with the objective of improving safety and the stress situation for tram drivers. This project runs parallel to the joint research project studying the driver's workplace on scheduled bus lines (3037) which is currently in progress, the results of which it exploits, and is intended to support transport companies and manufacturers in the design of driver's workplaces for new vehicles. The results obtained from Study 3037 were to be formulated in more general terms for this purpose. The tasks of the BG institute for occupational safety (BIA) concerned the improvement of climatic conditions at the workplace, improvement of drivers' seats (vibration impact) and reduction in noise emissions.
In order to improve the working conditions at tram drivers' workplaces, the project was firstly to exploit the results gained from the project studying drivers' workplaces on scheduled bus services (3037). Particular attention was paid to measures for improvement of climatic conditions at the driver's workplace, the air quality inside the vehicle, and reduction in the vibration impact through the driver's seat.
An improved driver's workplace taking into account the latest findings was developed, and an improvement attained in the climatic conditions prevailing in the driver's cab. The results concerning improvements to the climatic conditions at the workplace and the air quality inside the vehicle may also be exploited for driver's workplaces in other railbound vehicles.
Further informations:
Type of hazard:work-related health hazards
Catchwords:Gefährdungsbeurteilung, Gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen und Störungen
Description, key words:on-board workplace, tram driver's workplace, driver's workplace, vibrations, driver's seat, noise, climatic conditions