completed 12/1995
The BG institute for occupational safety (BIA) is recognized in accordance with the German Equipment Safety Act as a test body for gas and vapour measuring and sampling equipment. Such equipment also includes diffusive samplers. As test criteria, comprising requirements upon equipment and test procedures for it, have not existed in the past for diffusive samplers, the task here was to draft new test criteria.
Existing study results were consulted and assessed for their suitability. Tests were further performed on the BIA testing bench for gas measurement and sampling equipment, and new test procedures drawn up. At the same time, the new test criteria were introduced into standardization activity. The objective was to obtain broad correspondence between the new test criteria and standard EN 838 "Workplace atmospheres - Diffusive samplers for the determination of gases or vapours - Requirements and test methods".
Test criteria were drawn up for diffusive samplers which can be used for type-testing of these devices. The results have been introduced into standardization activity.
Further informations:
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:dangerous substances
Catchwords:Normung, Messverfahren, Exposition
Description, key words:diffusive samplers, testing, standardization, hazardous substances, measurement procedures