completed 08/2000
Every year, several tens of thousands of hazardous substance measurements are performed and evaluated in companies within the scope of the BG hazardous substance measurements system (BGMG) of the BG Institute for Occupational Safety (BIA) and the measurement bodies of the accident insurance funds responsible for the commercial sector of German industry and the public sector. The "OMEGA" hazardous substance software developed by the BIA has provided this system with technical and organizational workflow-support since the 1980s. The software is in use in over 200 installations in the BIA and the BGs, and has made a substantial contribution towards harmonization and quality assurance within the BGMG system. In the mid-1990s, technical developments in information technology and the increased requirements of users required conversion and reprogramming.
Reprogramming of the OMEGA hazardous substances software began with identification of the requirements of existing users and parties interested in the software. The principal results were as follows: improved software ergonomics thanks to the graphical interface in accordance with the Windows standard, comprehensive support in the drafting of measurement reports, and the integration of exposure measurements of biological substances. Following studies and testing, the BIA selected "Interbase" and the "Delphi" programming language as suitable tools for reprogramming of the database system. The reprogramming operation was supported by users of the OMEGA software in the BGs and the BIA. The conversion process was completed with a test phase in the BGs lasting several months, and introduction in the measurement services accompanied by user training.
The new OMEGA hazardous substances software is introduced in all BGs and in the BIA since the last part of the year 2000. Users have received training. These measures ensure that the OMEGA software will fulfil its function of supporting the high level of technical and organizational standardization in the BGMG. This is essential if the BGMG is to manage the huge volume of samples and analyses in a rational, quality-oriented manner, and uniform measurement reports are to be generated. The BIA assures that the BGs will be provided at all times with software which is developed further in accordance with their requirements and with developments in the regulations governing hazardous substances. It also undertakes to provide all users in the BGs with practical assistance.
Further informations:
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:Gefahrstoffe, Biologische Arbeitsstoffe
Catchwords:Exposition, Grenzwert, Berufskrankheit
Description, key words:the BG hazardous substance measurements system (BGMG), hazardous substance measurements, software