completed 12/2000
As part of their prevention function and for investigation of occupational diseases, the measurement services of the institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention (BGs) perform noise emission and exposure measurements at workplaces. The purpose of the "Noise" software developed by the BG Institute for Occupational Safety (BIA) is to provide technical and organizational support for these activities, and to permit creation of a noise database.
The basis for development of the BIA "Noise" software is the successful use by the BGs over many years of the BIA's OMEGA hazardous substance software. The requirements upon the software were agreed in a BG working group, and the user requirements defined. The working group then supported development and testing in practice. The same tools were employed as for the OMEGA hazardous substance software: Interbase as the database system and Delphi as the programming language. The software was put into routine use in 2000.
A BIA noise software, comprising the components "noise emission" and "noise exposure", was developed for use by the measuring services of the BGs. Following a test phase in 2000 and final fine-tuning of the user interface, routine use of the software by the BGs began at the beginning of 2001, accompanied by training for the measurement technicians. The software provides quality assurance support of the measurements, documentation of all measurement parameters and creation of the measurement report, and forms the basis for documentation encompassing all BGs of the measurement data for prevention, and for the investigation of occupational diseases.
Further informations:
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:Lärm/Vibrationen, Arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren
Catchwords:Exposition, Grenzwert, Berufskrankheit
Description, key words:noise measurements, prevention, noise emission, noise exposure, noise measurement report, quality assurance, measurement services, noise database