completed 12/2002
Previously no validated test for the assessment of airway hyperresponsiveness was available in Germany. Goals of this project were the establishment, validation and possible introduction of the dosimeter protocol recommended by the American Thoracic Society (ATS) into the occupational examination. The ATS test was compared with the reservoir method (PARI) recommended presently for the occupational examination and also with a new more practicable dosimeter protocol.
Construction of a calibration unit, test protocol, examination of medical students
92 students were examined with the ATS test. The test showed plausible results, was secure, but relatively time consuming. All three tests can be recommended. Some disadvantages arose however: the ATS test was time consuming (5-concentrations-, 5-steps-test). In the PARI-test, the output of methacholine could not be controlled exactly. It is planned to describe all three tests for the occupational examination and to make them available.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:work-related health hazards
Catchwords:Arbeitsmedizinische Vorsorge, Prävention
Description, key words:Comparison of methacholine testing (reservoir method) with the dosimeter protocol recommended by the ATS, as well as testing a new more practicable dosimeter protocol. All three tests showed good agreement and high validity for the assessment of airway hyperresponsiveness. The reservoir method and the ATS protocol were less practical.