completed 12/2002
The computer-aided stress-prevention training conducted by the BG BAHNEN, the BG für Fahrzeughaltungen and the DVR has been evaluated by the Dresden public transport services for tram and service bus drivers. Data on stress experienced by 35 drivers were recorded during the training measure, and again six weeks and one year following its completion.
In a "pretest/posttest" control group design, the effectiveness of the training measure was measured six weeks following its completion, in terms of behaviour, attitude, psychophysiology and knowledge.
Six weeks after completion, the training had proved effective on all levels. One year later, interviews continued to reveal minor changes.
Type of hazard:work-related health hazards, mental stress factors
Catchwords:accident prevention, load, stress
Description, key words:Stress-prevention training conducted for the Dresden public transport services by the institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention in the railway, metropolitan railway and tramway sector (BG BAHNEN) and vehicle operating trades (BG für Fahrzeughaltungen) and the German Road Safety Council (DVR); evaluation