completed 12/1996
EU-building site directive 92/57 EEC (the incorporation of which into German law is pending) introduces the safety and health protection co-ordinator who, together with the developer and contractor, is responsible for safety and health protection. Goal: incorporation of the requirements of the EU-building site directive in activity instructions in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9000 ff
Gathering and evaluation of experiences with regard to the application of the directive in underground projects; scientific accompaniment of a model building project in the planning and working phases (road and bridge construction); adaptation of organisational model, performance profiles etc. to underground construction conditions; evaluation of the activities of the co-ordinator in particular with regard to underground construction specifications; description of the important activities of developers, safety and health protection co-ordinators and contractors in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9000 ff; elaboration of activity instructions
Sequence diagrams in particular for safety and health protection co-ordinators, developers and contractors, which can be built into quality management systems as well as used as checklists
Scholbeck, R.; Höptner, A.; Pflügner: Prävention als integrierter Bestandteil des Qualitätsmanagements am Bau, Teil 5. QM-Seminar, Jösnitz, 17.09.1997. Tiefbau (1997) Nr. 6, S. 252 ff
construction industry
Type of hazard:work organization/safety and health management
Catchwords:Regelwerk, Arbeitsschutzorganisation, Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsmanagement
Description, key words:Safety and health protection co-ordinator at building sites in accordance with EU-building site directive