completed 04/1997
Tunnel construction and specialised underground work are characterised by a high risk of accidents as well as unfavourable working conditions. A large number of unskilled workers are employed at the building sites concerned. Goal: increasing work safety by better qualification of employees in tunnel- and specialised underground construction
Definition and quantification of safety and health risks; definition of target groups; putting together educational concepts and learning programmes; carrying out training and further training events
Establishing the layout for teaching folios; catalogue of requirements concerning the methodological and didactical aspects of structuring classes; the seminars "general tunnel construction", "working with explosives underground", "air-placed concrete technology", "working under high atmospheric pressure conditions", "transportation in tunnel construction", "safety in tunnel construction work" successfully carried out
construction industry
Type of hazard:Gestaltung von Arbeit und Technik, Qualifizierung/Aus- und Weiterbildung
Catchwords:Arbeitnehmer, Qualitätssicherung, Bildung
Description, key words:Qualification of employees involved in underground work