Brainstorming meetings

DGUV Information 206-008

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are characterized by close social relationships as well as high task variability and flexibility. Although, these characteristics are proven to facilitate health promoting activities systematic exchange on i.e. working conditions or safety and health at work is scarce. Therefore, DGUVs expert committee "Psyche and health in the world of work" (german) created an easy-to-use tool for the incorporation of employees and their ideas in improving working conditions.

Brainstorming meetings are a near to perfect instrument for prevention as far as using / asking for the hidden knowledge and ideas of the personal is concerned. The focus is to talk with the employees instead of talking about them. The general idea is to set up "quality circles", known to be successful in big enterprises. They are now transferable to small companies, which cannot rely on professional human resources departments.

The aim is to initiate a sustainable process, based in the company and independent of third parties.

Brainstorming meetings may be used for

  • risk assessment, especially on the topic of mental health and psychic stress
  • nailing acute and underlying problems (in production, safety and health, management, repair, support, physically and psychologically etc.)
  • prioritising matters
  • finding and implementing solutions within a specified time
  • naming persons in charge
  • evaluating solutions

DGUV Information 206-008
How brainstorming meetings can help
Tips for industry, administration and service providers


Hannah Huxholl
Central Prevention Division
Telefon: +49 30 13001-4587

Betty Willingstorfer
Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe und chemische Industrie
Telefon: +49 6221 5108 29307