Sample of a GS mark issued by DGUV Test
Source: © DGUV Test
The GS mark has developed over a period of more than twenty years into a safety mark recognized throughout the world. Technical equipment may be labelled with the GS (= "Geprüfte Sicherheit", tested safety) mark if:
If a manufacturer meets these requirements, a GS test certificate is issued. The GS mark is based on the German Product Safety Act (Produktsicherheitsgesetz, ProdSG).
The DGUV Test testing and certification bodies are recognised as GS bodies by the Federal States’ Central Office for Safety Technology (Zentralstelle der Länder für Sicherheitstechnik or ZLS). Once we have thoroughly tested a product and, if necessary, conducted an initial plant inspection, we can issue a GS certificate and award the GS mark. Our activities in this area focus on commercially used products.
Since 1977, we have issued more than 50,000 GS test certificates. You can rely on our experience and expertise!
Interested in a GS test?
Just call us or write us an email:
Secretariat DGUV Test
Tel.: +49 (0)2241 231 1467